
  • How to start using the software (portable):
Download and unpack the archive. Run the main executable file in app's folder.
The software works out-of-the-box on Windows 11 and Windows 10.
Windows safety features may warn the software can be malware. It is safe.

Running on Windows 11/10
>> Apps just run. Keep Windows updated to ensure your system runs safe.

- If your Windows 11 or Windows 10 is up to date you don't have to do anything.
Windows receives and keeps the required .Net Framework updated.
- I'm aware there may be Windows installations out there with .Net Framework removed. Clearly .Net Framework apps won't run on those machines.

Running on Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1
>> Most apps just run. Install .Net 4.6.2 (or 4.6) to increase apps performance.
> Apps that need .Net 4.6.2 or greater to run: OpiGen, SnowFlakes.

- Installing or upgrading to .Net Framework 4.6.2 on Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8.1 will allow the apps to run on the newer framework with increased performance. Installing .Net 4.6 on Windows 8 will do the same. You don't need to uninstall any older versions of .Net Framework before installing these new versions. Upgrading the framework on older operating systems can noticeably improve performance.

- Latest app releases may have a Windows 7 version in a separate folder.
You can use that app version without installing .Net Framework 4.6.2.

Running on Windows Xp and Vista
>> Windows Xp and Vista need .Net Framework installed to run the apps.
> Apps not compatible with Windows Xp: OpiGen, SnowFlakes.

- If compatible with Windows Xp, the software requires .Net Framework 2.0 to be installed. To support this, Windows Xp needs to be updated with (minimum): Service Pack 2, and Installer 3.1 (these updates may have already been installed).
- If .Net is installed but apps crash, use the Cleanup Tool before reinstalling the framework. This kind of issue is only common in Windows Xp.
- In Windows Vista you can enable the .Net framework or install the 2.0 version.

- Installing .Net 4.0 instead or along .Net 2.0 on Windows Xp or Vista will allow the apps to run on the newer framework with increased performance.

- Latest app releases may have a Windows 7 version in a separate folder.
The Windows 7 specific version is also compatible with Windows Xp.

  • How to upgrade the software (when used portable):
- Download the new version and unpack the archive. To keep the old settings, copy the old Data\Settings sub-folder over the new app's Data\Settings folder, overwriting existing files if need be. If not otherwise noted, a new version can make use of the old version's settings files. Other sub-folders in the old Data folder can contain customized items or files that you also may want to move.
- Beta/test versions can break settings compatibility, so use these versions separately instead of upgrading.
- Unless the software is installed from Microsoft Store or placed in Program Files, settings are saved in its folder. To have separate settings for each Windows user in this case, create a file named "PerUserSettings.txt" in the app folder. Existing settings found in the Data folder can then be used as defaults for each new user. To have app settings saved in user's AppData folder instead of the app folder, create a file named "AppDataSettings.txt" in the app folder. Not needed if app is placed in the Program Files directory.
- When running portable and not installed you can move the program's folder to another location and in case the software is set in app to start when the user logs in you'll have to set it again.

- Other settings that you may want to revise after you move the software (in case you do) are file associations and settings related to the integration in Windows Explorer. Programs that have such settings are: CSlide.

  • How to remove the software (when used portable):
- If the software is set to start with Windows, you can change this setting first. Settings that you optionally may revise before you remove the software are file associations and settings related to the integration in Windows Explorer. Then stop the program and delete its folder.

Revised on: 01.04.2024